Yeah I remember after I sold my Eleven Rack, I tried like Every plugin known to man (free and commercial). TSEx50 is pretty cool and has a Pro version now but I can't tell if I would like it yet because it doesn't let you demo the OD & FX.

It's funny how you can start to adjust and be okay with VST plugins and stuff, but every time I heard new stuff from you guys, there was something more analog sounding that I just couldn't duplicate.

I did my shopping around and got mine for around $300 with the expansion pack and a bunch of semi okay presets (Sweetwater ones I think). Good thing for this forum and preset page so I could save time as it's tricky to start all over from scratch.

Now that you can get an affordable cabinet IR loader (Logidy EPSi), it goes a step further for my tastes and I don't see myself moving onto anything else for a long time.