Dudes! (and any dude-ettes here)

What a timely thread. My old 11R wet the bed. Crapped out. FUBAR. It's as if little gremlins inside are sending it MIDI commands from inside of it, and that's even in stand alone. Jut started the other day. Went through tons of things to figure out to no avail. Sooo, I logged on to see what you guys thought of any of the eBay unit sellers.

I had no idea Audio Deluxe was one. I've bought a butt-load of plugs from them. I just ordered my new 11R minutes ago. Extra $10 shipping and will be here by Thursday. Stoked!!!

btw - I've got the 11R going in & out of PT via an mBox3 thru the S/PDIF and a GT-100 going in the front and mic XLRs for acoustics. The only bitch of it all is having to switch cables on the back of the EPSI you guys talked me into getting. (oh, and another thanks for that one, too.)

My prediction: Avid is clearing out 11R units and they have not had a product well under $1k in the mBox3 quality range, which is the range they use to suck in newbies. Just sayin....