This is where it lives. Eleven Rack Frimware Download I am not sure if this will work with Windows 8 or not.

Make sure to read the read me files. Check to be sure that you are on an earlier firmware version (simply read the read me file for instructions.) Follow the instructions and you should be golden.

Also, yes windows often installs an additional driver if you plug your unit into a different USB port. This is a windows thing. You may need to go into your device drivers and remove all of the 11R drivers and reboot. Don't keep changing USB ports that you use the 11R on. Let it live on one and keep it there. You will have far less frustration that way.

It would be well worth the $100 to upgrade to the Eleven Rack Expansion Pack, in my opinion.

Edited by Bob (01/14/15 09:11 AM)