OK.........Final version.
You should be able to right click and save as. ( First click on the thumbnail, then enlarge on the imageshack website. Then right click and save )
I have sized them accordingly, but that was done in Photoshop.
Best to print out a copy first, you may have to slightly reduce size, and I do me slightly reduce. Anyone can use these as they see fit.(Within reason of course) I would love the magnetic idea if it goes through.
Let me know I can provide the RGB files if needed for screen printing.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Hope everyone enjoys, sorry it took so long. I have had alot of tunes to learn for the new band, patches to create, blah, blah, blah...You all know the drill. Send some pics of ideas that you used to utilize these. That would be cool to see.

Edited by Culpster (07/15/11 01:54 AM)