I didn't realize Headrush Gig/Pedalboards are 11R ports to different hardware. It's a great idea, as it takes the format out of a rack, and supposedly enhances the sounds. Adding the ability to load custom IR's is a big plus. Glad they kept full MIDI implementation.

If it follows the 11R's general specs, then hopefully the latency is similarly low. I didn't see any published spec about what length of IR it would load. I got a vague impression that you could choose a length but that it would limit the amount of CPU available for other processes. Not clear AT ALL.

The only pitch-shifting seems to be through two "Expression Pedal" effects: the "Harm" or "Wham". This makes me assume there isn't a decent pitch-shifter.

EDIT: took a look at Premiere Guitar's review, and it said that the overall sound is "highly" compressed. So that's a HUGE deal-breaker. That is one of the things I HATED about the Pod HD500, no dynamics. I'm not just talking about response to distortion, I mean, you dig in and hit the strings hard and the output is squished. It was surprising, because coming from a humble Zoom pedal with GREAT dynamics, the pod sucked (literally).

Edited by stub (10/27/19 08:59 AM)