After a couple of weeks with the Kemper, I am on cloud nine. There isn't much of anything that this unit can't give you. The interface was very familiar right out of the box. Unlike any other processor I have ever had, the stock patches (called profiles or rigs in the Kemper) are incredible. I bought a few commercial profile packs, and for the most part, they are fantastic.

As an exercise, I did some profiling of my favorite Eleven Rack profiles. I did this completely blindly, by just connecting and going, without reading the short manual. I got exact sounds out of most of the attempts. The ones that weren't dead-on, were the ones using a tube screamer. After reading the short profiling manual, it said it has a problem with time based effects and tube screamers.
Disabling the tube screamer in the 11R patch, then profiling, and adding the TS to the patch from the Kemper's massive list of effects, not only gave me the sound, but it actually sounded better. There was much more clarity in the patch.

I have only scratched the surface with the Kemper, and it seems like everything new that I learn brings it to a whole new level.

With mixed feelings, I have disconnected my Eleven Rack, and I am selling it. No doubt it's a phenomenal processor, and it was my mainstay for many years. But I simply don't use it anymore.