Hey everyone,

New to the forum but not new to Pro Tools / Eleven Rack. Of course I say that, but I haven't really used what I have since purchasing back in 2010

I currently have an out dated Dell running XP in which I have Pro Tools LE 8.0.1 and Eleven Rack ( I forget the firmware although I did check it ) It's 1. something. So everything is way outdated.

Basically for the time being, I am going to try to update the Pro Tools LE to 8.0.5 which I saw is available, so I can purchase and run the Eleven Rack/Pro Tools with the Expansion Pack.

Now for the questions.. I plan on getting a new PC, upgrading Pro Tools, and running Eleven Rack as the interface. With that said, is there any OS ie Windows 7, 8, 10 that anyone prefers that runs Pro Tools better, or has had any issues? Also... what ever version PC/Pro Tools I get... will I be able to have the on screen window for the Eleven rack like I do now once I switch to an upgraded (newer) version of Pro Tools? Third and final question, I would like to get a new PC with 16gig of RAM.... but I only have been able to find those running Windows 10....anyone know where a Windows 7 machine is available with 16gig of Ram?

Any and all help, advice, expertise, and experiences would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long back story.... but I am out of loop so far current software/hardware that is being used. I want to try to avoid any mistakes before I start throwing down the $$$$$

Thanks !
