Okay, the EXL111's have been changed to be called the same as the 110s, with the BT added for balanced tension, and the lower number is the higher gauge now. Confusing.

So, like this:
EXL120BT Nickel Wound, Balanced Tension Super Light, 09-40
EXL110BT Nickel Wound, Balanced Tension Regular Light, 10-46
EXL115BT Nickel Wound, Balanced Tension Medium, 11-50

The EXL110BT ought to do it for now, I always wanted to make a set with less beef on the low strings but I will be trying others if I don't feel they are everything they're supposed to be.

Edited by TLTD (09/07/16 02:55 PM)
Edit Reason: Whoops I meant 110
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