Originally Posted By: X-Mann

I'll probably get killed for saying this, but the core tones of the Eleven Rack still hold up to the tones of the Fractal products. There are just less tone/color options in the 11-R, but the ones that are there are spot on & very good. The 11R tones are way better then anything I got out of Helix too & just faster to dial in. If you could load in different user cabinet IR's into the 11-R, it would change everything.


You probably will be killed for saying that!!! LOL shocked

I never even have seen in person an Axfx, Ax8 or a kemper or Amplifire... that being said I do love my Helix and I remember that when they hit the street you got yours and took it back before mine came in and since firmware has fixed alot of the problems that some might say "plagued" the unit have been addressed and with the 2.0 firmware and "snapshots" plus new amps and FX have made it a real contender "in the all in one box" game, not by my experience but what others that have had and have those other units have expressed (check out what Freeman has done with it, he has a preset pack out for it and the demos are great) but the main thing for me is that I can dial up tones so much easier than the 11r not dissing the 11r by any means (well lets be frank... with out singtall I couldn't have got anything I liked out of the 11r... that statement alone probably disqualifies me from any comment on the subject anyway)

Sorry bro didn't mean to high-jack your thread... I love all the work you do... cool YOU DA MANN!!!

But I do think that if you had some time with the Helix at this point in it's evolution you may have a different opinion of it and with my JTV-89F hooked to it there are so many more options like presets and snapshots that change guitars and or tuning.
"May you be Blessed and our Lord Jesus keep you"