Just stumbled upon this info after commenting on a Youtube video of just the song Panama;a guitar tracks and noticed the big sounding reverb from (room mics I assumed) and someone responded it was a post reverb but didn't say exactly what kind, so I went on a Google expedition to find out. This seems about right for the time and was mentioned as a possibility. I don't know if emulating it does it justice, but I looked for some impulses (and there's Waves and UAD EMT 140 emulation plugins also).

Hopkins Media Services has a collection of IRs of it, along with some others https://www.facebook.com/hopkinsmediaservices/

This is their current download spot for those https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vjf5bsi28hcrkli/AADNjt1AmES9TsEBblLrjUAaa?dl=0

Soundcloud: https://goo.gl/J0VHoC
Tonefinder: http://goo.gl/WI3Ahh
YouTube: https://goo.gl/6P3Mjg