Well, Cygwin is a Windows program, which emulates Apple iOS and Linux bash terminal. In other words, if you run iOS or linux, you can use the build in bash terminal, slightly modify the command I created, and off you go.

A better solution for Windows uses might be to use PowerShell, but I'm not a powershell user, but maybe someone else here might give it a go.

If you'd like to try out the cygwin command, you first need to install cygwin (https://www.cygwin.com/install.html), start the cygwin shell, use my command as a base but remember to change the paths' (/cygdrive/i/EPDA/ might not be correct for your computer, and /cygdrive/c/Users/Kenneth/Dropbox/Eleven\ Rack/logidy-epsi-content.txt will most definately not be correct for your environment).