Bang for the buck you might look around for either a used OR new Jet City (Mike Soldano btw) 2x12.. or a used Peavey 6505 or triple X 2x12 cabs..
My FAVE 2x12.. although quite large and over engineered for a 2x12 is the Genz Benz G-Flex 212 they did as a George Lynch sig cab.. 2 75 watters wire stereo AND mono with a ported bass reflex.. metal grille insulated in ints own foam lined channel so it doesn't rattle.. a MONSTER cab.. BUT.. speaking as someone with an awful neck and back.. they are HEAVY and LARGE..aka a PITA to move around.
Kevin Dillard
NGW/Alfred/Warner Bros. artist/author
DiMarzio Endorsing Artist
Morley Endorsing Artist
Nocturne Guitars UK Endorsing Artist