Hi all.

I've been using Eleven Rack with my Alto TS112A for a couple of years, and find that I often need quite a bit of post-amp EQ'ing done to get the amps to sound good. I've used this setup on a couple of gigs, and have been really stressed during the rehearsals to get a good enough (even though I have dialed in the presets a gig volumes at home) - I spend to much time tweaking the parametric EQ rather than actually rehearsing with the band.

I don't mind doing some EQ-ing, but I'd love to be able to get a realistic guitar sound by simply plugging my guitar into my Eleven Rack w/frfr and just play, like I used to do when I brought my guitar amp to the gigs.

May it be that the EPSi is the plug-and-play solution I'm looking for - is it likely that I can show up a a git, pick a amp (and effects) on the Eleven Rack, pick a IR, and just play, without spending all my time dialing in the parametric EQ to get something that sounds like a real guitar?
