Well, my kid's got himself a job and buying his own guitars. I got to play around with his Jackson JS22-7 today and sounds pretty badass. Also got the Ownhammer Multi Speaker Collection. Surprisingly, it's still the trusty Chinese v30 that I like & it's definitely better with this guitar than the previous incantation.


OH 212 MAR-66 V30-CH-16 MIX HG on left
OH 212 MAR-66 V30-CH-16 MIX SP1 on right

Eleven Rack Preset: onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=6581…thint=file%2ctfx
or (shortlink) http://1drv.ms/1NO4Tr0

You will need the Logidy EPSi in the FX Loop of your Eleven Rack to load the impulses.

Hopefully, my Onedrive works. I got tired of running out of room on Dropbox. Enjoy.

The Ownhammer Modern Speaker Collection: http://www.ownhammer.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=353

Edited by TLTD (10/17/15 08:29 PM)
Soundcloud: https://goo.gl/J0VHoC
Tonefinder: http://goo.gl/WI3Ahh
YouTube: https://goo.gl/6P3Mjg