I've tried to make some IRs by running a test tone through cabinets with reverb on, and It's better to just use the 11R reverb & FX and keep the FX Loop last in the chain to give it some character. I sometimes wish I could have an early reflect and a concert reverb though, but for most purposes it all sounds about the same for all the work involved. There are a few interesting 3D kind of reverbs out there I'm going to keep expirimenting with. There's one in the free IR pack (AK-SRooms I think it's called), some are quirky but some are really nice and polished and change the feel completely.

Actually, here http://www.adventurekid.se/akrt/free-reverb-impulse-responses/

Just use SIR or some kind of IR loader in your DAW. What I do is throw the cabinet IR on one track, send that to a bus with the reverb on it or blend it in and different % and see which one seems to work best. You can either send a test tone through the IRloader or just import the actual IRs and guess how they might need to be mixed (and that is tcan he best way from my experience bc capturing methods vary and you lose details).

I also have no idea what included reverbs on the EPSi sdcard sound good and keep forgetting, so will eventually go through those in my DAW and see if I can make something that has cabinets and reverbs and post later on.
Soundcloud: https://goo.gl/J0VHoC
Tonefinder: http://goo.gl/WI3Ahh
YouTube: https://goo.gl/6P3Mjg