Found my new favorite IR recently, mixed it with my other favorite one. I wanted to make sure it wasn't just a "wide effect" this time, so adjusted them in speakers and headphones. I went a few steps further so there's the R/L no delay one, Delayed one as best as I could get it, a blend of both speakers on each side just right. That's where I got into the satisfaction zone. Sounds so real to me now. After I got that just right, then I tried some ideas. One was to capture it with the Eleven Rack's speaker breakup and resonation. It became a whole different animal after that. It's not exactly like those two things...but it made something I like even better for riffs and leads. It's not for everything, so I did some EQing of the one just before that also that works well (and speaker breakup/resonation is for you to decide).

Just make sure if you use the IR 031, with the breakup captured, try not to use much speaker breakup on top of that. If you usually leave it at default, it should be okay.

Here's the IR Pack:

015 (Chinese V30/Solid State Power Amp)
016 (Scumback M75/Solid State Power Amp)
(These two make the rest of the IRs)

025 Haas effect used on one speaker
030 Cross Blend with offset on one speaker (very subtle adjustment to combat phase on the other for blending)
031 (Same, but reamped test tone through Eleven Rack with Speaker Breakup and Resonation's brighter and higher sounding but in a good way)
035 (Revisited 030 and did some EQing to get some dynamics/bite out of some hot spot frequencies)

Here's the first preset used in the solo ideas clip. I will post more as I go along. I did a lot of playing and reamping with these IRs. Almost couldn't stop playing. The guys in my son's band keep saying everything sounds good too. He likes just the V30/SS one alone for tracking now.