1.whats your name? Joey

2.where do you live? St. Pete, Florida

3.what kinda music you into, and or play? Rock, Alternative, Metal, Indie

4.You in a band or just jamming with friends? No band right now frown

5.Whats your most wanted gear [that you don't have yet]? Engl Tube Power Amp

6 What is your oldest piece of gear? Ibanez Gio starter

7.What is your most used or favorite guitar you have? My green LTD MH-1000 deluxe guitar

8.Recording gear and or software? Eleven Rack with protools 10

9.Other gear worth a mention? Amp Gizmo, Midimate, Electro Harmonix 44 magnum power amp

10.the day you got it home what was your first impression of the 11 rack and what do you think now?

I instantly liked it and immediately made it apart of my rig. Originally I got it to record at home and used my main rig for rehearsal and shows. But then it slowly crept its way into my rack rig replacing my old Digitech DSP 256xL as my effects unit then it replaced my Engl E530 and has since downsized my rig.

11.Whats the best way to get in contact with you? email