I have noticed that my Eleven Rack's right Output to Amp 2 is set to Amp Output for good. I can't change it to Rig Output anymore! I have reset the unit but still the same. Any ideas?

I also noticed I can't change the main out (left) and the other main output (right) too !!!?? I have reset it number of times and recycle the power etc...

Only the Output to Amp 1 (left) reacts to the commands. Other 3 are locked! It shows ok on the software but the sound won't change.

Anyone has experienced this issue? Any help welcome...
Only thing I can think is that all 3 connections are on the back not working correctly. However 1 in front works fine.

Edited by Cem (07/01/15 10:17 PM)
I have chosen Eleven Rack to improve my oversized pedal board and the Delta Blues 210 to accommodate the following on and off the stage - still working on it...
Tele with Hipshot (B&G bender + drop D)
Strat with Texas Specials
Blues Harp