Originally Posted By: Str@man
MAN(N)!!! I just paid my hard earned .99 and downloaded it (sorry, but I just couldn't wait until May 1...)

This is so beautiful and brilliant brother; I like this better than ANYTHING I have heard you play (and that's sayin' a lot man).

Guy's, I'm serious when I say this is a STEALLLLLLLL at .99, get it, listen to it, love it, and, if you're like me, feel free to hate our "X worthy" friend because he is just so doggone far above the mortal plain of guitarist I listen to or can ever hope to be......

Nothin' but respect brother!

Wow......Um......Wow.......I really love hearing this SO MUCH Str@man & THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!!!!! wink

I've always dreamt of having a Pro level song that's professionally mixed, mastered & has Pro Players backing me.........& now I have that! cool

I'm SO glad that "Turning Point" is out in the World now! My sons just Love it & are SO proud of their dad.

The Carvin guys are really digging it & Jeff Kiesel even messaged me about it.

I put a lot of time, effort (& money) into creating this & now I'm working on a full album as well. The emotional payoff has really been fulfilling for me & I'm very thankful for the people who helped me, worked with me & advised me. It really did take a village on this one. Hari was a very powerful force here with his advice, thoughts & encouragement too. Thank you H, you SO Rock in my book!

This really is a a bucket list item that I'm very lucky to cross off now.

Your support means everything to me & oh yea....How good does the Eleven Rack sound? I'm using the standard cabs too! eek


Edited by X-Mann (04/23/15 06:53 PM)
"You'll have X-TC when you watch X-TV"
..............Eleven Rack Video..................
..............Eleven Rack Audio..................