Hey Guys,
New to the group but I am in despearate need of some help. I have had my 11Rack for a couple of years and really like the way it sounds for getting basic ideas down but prefer to use a real tube amp to create my real tracks. With that said I have just recently started to try and use the 11Rack as a reamping platform and have not had a very good experience so far. I can easily track the Dry Guitar signal and feed that to my DAW via the Amp Output 1 but when I try and play that signal back through the 11Rack and into an Amp input the noise is horrible. It sounds like white/preamp noise and is present as soon as I connect the Amp Output to the input of the amp.
I have checked everything and all things lead to the 11Rack. I know the recorded signal is good because I can feed it out of the DAW into a Radial Re-Amp box and straight into the amp with zero noise and although this works well, I should be able to use the 11Rack to perform the same task without additional hardware, Right?
I also tried to the ground the front Amp Output jack to the 11R chassis and it dropped the noise some but still not to an acceptable level.
Any ideas or advice would most helpful and appreciated.
Thanks !