Originally Posted By: TLTD
I like that Evolution sound for the rhythms. I've got the Norton, but in the neck position. It's pretty cool for bluesy sounds, but I love the Tonezone as a do it all bridge pickup. I think the solo would sound a bit better if you went for a dirty blues/SRV kinda sound, but was really good, just seemed a little out of place in contrast to the rhythms but one thing that is great is how clean it was and just breaking up a bit when you raked the strings. More of that raking & some Hendrix type sound & recklessness to show off the Norton some more would be great to hear.

A Norton in neck position is unusual: maybe you have an Air Norton? Mine is a regular Norton which is a mix between a Tone Zone and a Fred and is tipically used in bridge position.
The song is a modern metal one (I didn't share it because it's not completed, my bad smile ) so I fear that going for a pentatonic SRV style approach (and a bluesy sound) for the solo won't serve the song well.
Nice point about the recklessness: I often feel that there's something missing in the way I play solos and you are probably right. I need to be less controlled and more "wild": I will work on this for sure. Thanks!

Edited by Ichil (03/06/15 07:39 AM)