Hi Guys, the last thing I asked about all this was what the whole I.R. thing was all about. To that end, I had pretty much planned on getting the logidy EPSI everyone suggested. However, SW has the other mentioned, in it's pedal form, for a good bit less than normal. Even reduced, it's still double the money as the EPSI. Is it worth it?

I like the idea of the GUI I saw in a demo, btw. I have not looked for it yet, but does the ESPI have a decent, usable GUI?

I've seen other threads mention that the IR loaded doesn't care which unit it is. (The ownhammer?, or whatever it was spelled ... I have it saved off...) Is that still the concensus?

fwiw, most of what I do is in a home project studio setting. I do have analog amps to play with and a GT-001 downstairs to noodle on, but I'm mostly an 11R into Pro Tools with a side of GT-100 on the side. (going into back of 11R)