
Very recent Mac convert, slightly less recent R11 re-homer (got both in the last couple weeks). Bought mine used for a steal - got the PT10 license w/ iLok and the latest .zip of Sweetwater patches - really good seller.

Mostly play a mostly stock Gretsch 5120 through it, but have also messed around with bass, vocals, and my silly shred-machine Ibanez RG-560.

Loving the recording interface and the inspiration from the patches. Currently using Reaper as my DAW as PT10 RUNS on Yosemite, but it's not real pretty. And Reaper is pretty darn good.

I've checked out a few of the community rigs while I was waiting for my approval to go through. Some really solid stuff. Nice work. I have a couple of the Dream Theater and the ZZ Top Tush rigs loaded up right now.

I hope to learn and share a bunch more. Thanks for having me.
"Say goodbye to all this, and hello to oblivion."