Hi Guys,

I have tracked a small guitar part I have used to reamp and make files to compare the 11r cab in my favorite preset non-EPSi preset to the OwnHammer Modern Mix cab IRs. It is the exact same preset with the only difference being that the internal cab is off and the effects loop is on (at 8:30 and 3:00 on the send- return) when reamping the OH cabs. I used an Ibanez JS guitar with Bareknuckle Abraxas neck and bridge pickups direct in to the 11r and have the EPSi in the effects loop.

OwnHammer IR comparison Modern

I only compared IRs from the Modern Mix set, and only used the Studio Modern Mix (T1 amp) to keep it generic and simple, so this effectively compares all the speakers in that set. I have numbered the OH cabs starting with 141=ALNBLU and ending with 155=V30EN following the order on the OwnHammer page. (I can send someone a pdf of the numbering scheme if this is confusing.) The EPSi also has the 'hi' set at 2.0 but all other controls are stock.

The zip contains the audio files as well as a Reaper session file with the audio already loaded. The download is kind of large (470mb), I figure most people have high-speed internet these days so it isn't too big a deal.

The playing is pretty crummy but was purposed for specific tones for my own comparison so I'm not expecting any grammy nominations (lol), I started with mid volume on bridge pickup, then switched to neck, then full vol, then back to bridge, and finally vol down for last 2 seconds.

I will be doing the vintage speakers in the next few days with the same setup.

Be sure to post back with your thoughts and fave speakers. Let me know if you have suggestions.

Edited by Downrazor11 (10/20/14 12:43 PM)