I'm still going through some options wondering if it'll be Eleven Rack/EPSi or X interface/Bias...This makes it sound great, and I enjoyed the feel of the Jamup app a lot esp for leads...but damnit, I don't want to rely on a laptop or a phone. Eleven Rack is about $300 or so on eBay now & my son might like it and I can use apps when he is out jamming or whatever.

This video tonematched a Steve Vai lead tone & it sure sounds like Vai's perfect lead tones. I just gotta give credit where credit is due, people are getting great sounds with this plugin now. I honestly haven't had much time to test it because my kid is getting stingy with lending his guitar so I don't even know what I can do with it, but need a better interface that can give us zero latency in Cakewalk (like Echo Audio PCI card with a breakout box or something), then I might as well get 11R for that price lol
Soundcloud: https://goo.gl/J0VHoC
Tonefinder: http://goo.gl/WI3Ahh
YouTube: https://goo.gl/6P3Mjg