1.What's your name? Neal

2.Where do you live? Kansas City, MO

3.What kind of music are you into, and or play? Rock, Metal, Blues, Country

4.You in a band or just jamming with friends? Retired Musician, fun only now

5.Whats your most wanted gear [that you don't have yet?] Boutique combo amp of some sort. Les Paul Custom.

6 What is your oldest piece of gear? 78 or 79 Stratocaster

7.What is your most used or favorite guitar you have? Strat listed above. It's beat to death, HSS, Floyd Rose, Screamin Demon, two lace sensors.

8.Recording gear and or software? Orange Box with PT10, Logic on the Mac

9.Other gear worth a mention? 2008 Highway One Strat, modified with all Duncan minis Wilkinson bridge. MIM strat, warmoth neck, texas specials. Ibanez iceman, custom tele based of a, yes, Alvarez. Etc etc.

10.the day you got it home what was your first impression of the 11 rack and what do you think now? Bought it based off Vaisatchatrucci videos so I already loved it.

11.Whats the best way to get in contact with you? Private message

Glad to be here. Lurked forever. Finally decided to step up.
Just because you can does NOT mean you should.....