Originally Posted By: Intelli-Shred
Last I heard Gary was favoring the Soldano in the 11R for heavy things.. he recently mentioned it on a radio thing I heard him doing and he was using the 11R in the studio that day and going on about how much he liked the tones he was able to pull from it.

I can see that. I can't tame it like he can, but there's some pretty heavy tones out of that trio. (I think 3?) I have the clean one as the preamp on one of my go to clean rigs for when I don't want so much of that "Twin" tone.

Speaking of Twin tone. One of his presets uses a Twin with the main volume set up at 10. Granted, I'm not a professional and have never gigged. I do, however, own a Fender Twin Reverb Re-Issue. I cannot imagine that thing set at 10. Not even with the lower input switch down. I brought it out to the deck once and set it up about half-way towards the trees and birds started dropping out of the trees. (it's a joke & exaggeration for any bird lovers reading this...)