1.whats your name? Brian Exton

2.where do you live? Cleveland Ohio

3.what kinda music you into, and or play? 80's hair bands, classic rock, Country

4.You in a band or just jamming with friends? In a band curently playing bass. (its a gig $$) THe Focus Group

5.Whats your most wanted gear [that you don't have yet]? marshall jvm head. another prs and les paul.

6 What is your oldest piece of gear? 78 tele

7.What is your most used or favorite guitar you have? Most used curently is a Ernieball musicman silhouette dipped in camo. duncan jb and 59. favorite is a custom 1988 jackson soloist revers head reverse inlays floyd painted logo to match had emg 81s most of its life and now currently has duncan jb/59

8.Recording gear and or software? none

9.Other gear worth a mention? mid 80s jap strat with 2 emg 81s and a guitar i bulit in high school based off a kramer baretta with a eagle graffic that has a dimarzio (cant remember which model) with a coil tap and floyd. oh and a chandler jackson style neck with my last name on it in jackson style lettering.

10.the day you got it home what was your first impression of the 11 rack and what do you think now? was squealing and kinda rough but a week or so into it and im loving it.

11.Whats the best way to get in contact with you? pm