Sorry, but $200 for the unit is a complete steal!

Just look at any guitar magazine and you can drop $200+ for a 'boutique' fuzz or distortion pedal that has a heck of a lot less development/technology going on in it IMHO.

The fact that the owner of EPSi responds to and follows up on the 'updates/upgrades' that are demanded from the users, which take manhours and effort to develop, is incredible!

As I have said before I am a small business owner and I can safely say that the profits from the EPSi unit are not making anybody a 'rich fat cat'.

For arguments sake, lets say cost of parts is approx $60, I am guessing it takes at least 2 hours @ $50/hour (considering a plumber costs $80-$90/hr that is a low ball) to put one of these together (I'm being optimistic!), total cost is ~ $110 to produce. Now you have to include costs for packaging, advertising, utilities, liability insurance, taxes, etc, believe me there won't be much left out of the $90 'profit' I estimated!

Apologies for getting on my Soap box, but this kind of stuff gets to me!!
I'm a practicing guitarist, one day I hope to get it right..