I use an 11R direct to the PA from the XLR outs I am interested in why a DI box would be necessary and what it would do? How do you wire it in (from the XLR outs?). Do you need two (the 11R is sterso afterall?)

I DI the 11R into the desk from the XLRs and use Sennheiser in-ears. It sounds amazing out front, but shunted back through the in-ears from the aux of desk with the rest of the mix, it sounds fizzy and really ugly. I have taken to sending the (mono) monitor mix to a separate rack mixer and blending that with the output from the headphone jack of the 11R that has been run through a 32 band graphic to get rid of the fizz in my in-ear mix, so at least I can enjoy a sound that isn't fizzy on stage.

I did expect the in-ear mix to sound completely different to the out front PA mix simply because the PA speakers obviously contribute and colour the sound), but the in-ear sound - even with this rather convoluted set up isn't that great.

I would welcome any thoughts on getting a DI'ed sound that is good out front and the same in-ears.