Originally Posted By: noguud
So I tried your settings listed above, and left the Rig Output set to 0 (don't know where you have it set). I also used the Cond 87 off-axis mic model, not sure what you are using there.

That is a LOUD patch and all output meters are pegged for me, headphones, main outs, digital outs (which I use in my setup at home), outputs to amp, etc.

I think you need to back down on the amp "Output". Try going from 5.2 to maybe -1.5 or lower.

I think a good rule of thumb is to keep your patches to have the same apparent volume as the factory set. Then use the meters if you run into issues like this. You can set your "output to amp" tap point to different points along the virtual rig, and also use that to troubleshoot.

In your case, I think your amp is just loud, and I'd keep this lower especially is you are using some of the FX blocks, delay or reverb in the 11R after the amp model. The 11R may have some limiting built in because it doesn't sound as nasty as I thought it would, but it sounds better to me when I back down on the amp output. If you don't use any post amp FX, delay or reverb, you can back down on the rig output and achieve the same thing. I use Rig Output as a last volume tweak to balance rigs relative to eachother, just small nudges here for me mostly.

And your patch sounds very broken up for me, but I don't have a les paul to try so maybe its cleaner for you. I'd definitely try dropping the master volume and/or gain a bit if you want more headroom on the amp model after cleaning up your rig volume.

One last thing that can cause issues that you may need to troubleshoot - which output do you use? XLRs, output to amps, FX sends? Make sure you match the output to the input of your mixer (instrument vs line level). That is another possible issue that can cause some limiting and loudness issues.

Good luck and I hope you get it figured out.

Thanks for the help! I tried turning down the output and it helped tremendously. I need to do a little more tweaking but I think I'm on the right track! I appreciate everyone's input!