Hi everyone, I got the eleven rack a month ago and just started trying to wrap my head around how to craft the presets I want and I discovered that I may not even know what I need to do to make the guitar texture I am seeking. I feel like a food critic (and amateur chef) that goes home and has no idea how to make the best dish they have ever had.

Here is the tone I'm after (it is at 6:02), Adam Jones of Tool live:

And again here (at 4:40):

The texture I am seeking is very plasma-like, not exactly liquid, but gloppy i guess. I have tried to re-create it with wah, with delay, with flanger, and reverb (and combinations of these) and I cannot figure out how to get this unstable-intensity quality infused into the guitar sound without making it an echo-ey mess.
I have a good general knowledge of effects and how they are traditionally used but I feel I may not even know what effect this is. Is it effects? Is it power tubes? Is it tube rectifier? I can kinda get close with my B-52 AT100 head set on tube rectifier (into randall 412 celestion g12t's) with my zoom g9.2tt in front. But not quite. And sometimes I think I'm not on the right track.

Sorry for the long post, I am looking for advice and opinions as to how to create this texture, and as I have an eleven rack now, I feel it is time. For those curious, I have been running the 11r into an EV ZLX 12P with Benoni's 'Mesa Dual Rec R1' from his website. I do like the tone, but it is lacking the plasma-like quality. Guitars I use are an Ibanez JS1000 with BKP abraxas pickups, a Schecter Hellraiser FR with BKP Painkillers, and a les paul copy with Gibson Burstbucker pros.

Any help is apreciated!

Edited by Downrazor11 (08/25/14 08:49 AM)
Edit Reason: clarity