i have a handful of IR's that i like out of the 100's of Ownhammer IR's i bought. the way i work it is to pick an IR of a particular speaker type (like Scumback H75) and load every version of it, then i dial up an amp with the first one and scroll them while tweaking on the amp until i find one or two magic IR's that just sound great to me. then i make note of which ones those are and rename them to move them to the start of my presets in the Epsi.

i have really 3-5 IR's that just work great with any amp i throw at them, and some work better than others. for example: Scumback M75 sounds great for rock-n-roll, H75 sounds better for metal, V30 works better for M2 amp model (because the amp is so scooped that it needs some midrange in the speaker).

and i find that the studio vintage mic mixes are my favorites over the modern live mixes. i think it's easier to start with a balanced midrange speaker, then dial in more highs if needed, than to start with too much highs and your ears get fried before you can dial it in right.

anybody that buys the Ownhammer modern mix, tell me your favorites.