Originally Posted By: Hellbat
Originally Posted By: X-Mann
I'm leaning towords the Axe FX, but I'm also excited about their new FX only floorboard too!

If the FX quality is as high as the current Axe FX2 & it does amp channel switching then that might be the ticket.

You could run the same FX set-up & scale your rig in-between a head or a combo amp too. I've always wanted to have that ability & feature.

I'm still using my 11R/EVH combo with solid results & I think that I may just have some G.A.S.!!!! eek


The new FX8 uses the same effects as the Axe-2 and does do amp channel switching.

I'm still using and loving my Axe 2 with the cover band I am in. It's the perfect tool if you play a wide range of music.

The front panel interface isn't as easy to use as the 11R, but the PC editor is super easy and since I set up all my presets at home, the panel use isn't a big deal to me. It is easy enough to tweak existing presets. But because the routing can be super complicated on the Axe I fear getting into it using the panel.

Setup is quick and easy for me, Power to Axe-FX, monitor, and Roland FC-300 controller. 2 XLR's to FOH, 1 cable to monitor, MIDI run from controller to Axe-FX and I'm done. Less than 5 minutes to set up including case openings.

Occasionally I will add to the complexity by putting a pedal in the Axe's loop. smile

Thanks for the infer & the review H.B.!!!! \m/

I love amp modeling, but I'm really not that much of a tweaker for the most part. I do think that modeling is probably the way to go, but the new FX8 thing is VERY interesting to me!!!!!

I already have the EVH 5153 amp/cab & this thing looks just perfect for me!!!!

More later!

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