Originally Posted By: mikefont
Cool friggin jam brother X!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks like you had a blast at NAMM once again. Can you feel my jealousy from here?!?!?!?!?

And I'm REEEEEAAAAAALLLLLY glad to hear that your dad is doing OK! You know you can drop me a line if you need to talk or anything.

Peace out bro!

Thank you Mr. Mike!!!!! I miss talking to you broseph!!!!I hope ur doing well & playing that new amp like crazy too!

Oh & I just posted a quick little VIDEO sample of my 11R/EVH Live Rig on my "X-Mann" Facebook page too. It's a little Steel Panther Lick I learned today too! \m/

All Cab modeling is on & going thru the 2x12 EVH cab as well!!!!! I-phone audio, but it still sounds just SICK to me.....lol


Peace! X

Edited by X-Mann (04/27/14 05:41 AM)
"You'll have X-TC when you watch X-TV"
..............Eleven Rack Video..................
..............Eleven Rack Audio..................