Sorry that I haven't posted here in a while on the guitar builds I have in progress, work has been crazy, tons of travel and 70 hour weeks! But They're getting closer and while I wasn't planning on starting another until these were finished, I got a piece of quilted maple from PRS' main wood supplier that looked so good I had to get it on a body, so now an LP has been started! The basswood/maple guitar body is basically done, just need to drill holes for the switch and carve the belly contour. The neck is almost done. Still need to inlay fret, and final sand. One thing that I did different from other guitars on the basswood one that you can see in the pics is that I extended the Floyd Rose recess cavity to include a recess for the D-Tuna. I've recently become a huge fan of that little gizmo as all of the guitars have original floyds on them but I got tired of not being able to pull up anymore. Problem solved!

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I just got a piece of quartersawn roasted maple that I'm going to use for the neck on the padauk axe. Been wanting to try that to see if it is in fact more stable as many companies claim it to be. pics to follow! Oh and don't ask about what color is going to go on the flame top, it's a secret! LOL