Okay, so I'm a newbie, and I have looked around a bit for a post on organizing rigs, and found a few things but not exactly what I'm looking for. Anyway, I apologize beforehand if I just didn't see it, but what I'm looking for is different ideas on organizing rigs.

Do you tend to organize based on instrument? For instance, all my rigs for bass go in Banks "B" through "D", or all my rigs for acoustic guitar go in Banks "A" etc. Do you tend to organize based on song style? Heavy tones in certain banks, crunch in certain banks, pop in certain banks, etc. Perhaps you organize based on particular songs - A1 = verse, A2 = chorus etc.

Moving the rigs around in mass is somewhat tedious so I've edited the xml file to "blank out" all my rigs and now am loading them from the pc. I hate doing things twice if I don't have to, so I'm trying to come up with a fairly solid plan. I also see how it's not that difficult to edit the xml to place the rig where you want it. All that is well and good, and anyone who wants a "blank out" xml file I can give you one, but mainly I'm looking for what type of strategy you use, and WHY you use it. Thanks in advance.
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