1.whats your name? Rusty

2.where do you live? Ohio

3.what kinda music you into, and or play? Worship, Rock, Blues - anything that moves me.

4.You in a band or just jamming with friends? In a band, although we're just becoming active again.

5.Whats your most wanted gear [that you don't have yet]? Axe-fx II, Kemper, GI-20 etc.

6 What is your oldest piece of gear? A Cimar guitar from around '82 - It's been introduced to my skill saw and therefore looks a little different than when I bought it.

7.What is your most used or favorite guitar you have? Godin - Multiac SA, and Freeway - both with warmoth 1.875 wide necks.

8.Recording gear and or software? Sonar X2, Delta 1010.

9.Other gear worth a mention? My Heart, Soul, Spirit - and my fingers - yeah I know it's not gear - but it's more important than any gear. Oh yeah, and relative to the topic at hand, I have a FCB1010 with a Eurekaprom.

10.the day you got it home what was your first impression of the 11 rack and what do you think now? I was bummed... the first unit was defective and had serious hiss/noise. The second unit has impressed me. My working unit for a few years has been a Pod XT Live, so this is a definite step up. Wanted an Axe-FX but couldn't justify the cost.

11.Whats the best way to get in contact with you? PM me with your email address

When I play guitar, the tone is a integral part of the experience. It may not say much about me as a player, but if I don't like the tone, I can't play. When I do like it, and I mean really like it, I forget about it and plug into my spirit/soul. It is self expression, and it is therapy. How do I know a good preset? When I forget that I'm looking for one and just play. All of a sudden a few minutes have passed and I 'remember' that I'm supposed to be previewing/tweaking patches.
I just got an eleven rack and although some of the factories are good, none of them are great; none of them free my mind and allow me to enter that place of inner connection. So I bought Singtall's super pack and in it he has all the user presets from this site as of 7/13/2012. I just date sort them and start from the newest working my way back and before long I've ran into some that free me - patches that work with my guitar and my soul. And I lose track of time for a bit. After playing for a couple hours, and forgetting about my job, my house payment, relationship problems, and all the projects around the house that need my attention, I 'wake up' and realize it's 1:00 in the morning. But even that does not disturb me because I'm so relaxed and at peace as my soul has just gone through therapy.
Thanks to all of you who have shared your patches and your knowledge. I'm a newbie here, but already feel a debt of gratitude. A special thanks to Singtall. God bless you all

Edited by Rusty Jam (03/31/14 07:21 AM)
Will you let truth change you, or will you attempt to change truth?