1. Tony
2. Seattle, WA
3. Blues, Jazz, Classic Rock, a little Country
4. Played in bands off and on for 30+ years, but I'm starting up a solo act with backing tracks
5. Most desired? A good preamp, possibly the 11R (I'm here trying to decide, haven't bought one yet)
6. 1966 Guild Starfire III that my dad gave me a couple of years ago
7. Just bought a MusicMan Petrucci JP6 w/Piezo (love that guitar!)
8. Logic (current version), Ableton Live 8 (1 version behind but still works)
9. Bose L1 Compact - also a recent acquisition

10. Unfortunately I've never had the pleasure of playing through an 11R. I'm considering picking one up off eBay, that's why I'm studying everything I can find about the unit to try to make an informed decision.

Thing is, having bought the JP6 and the Bose in the past couple of months I'm kind of tapped out. But I sold my cool Reverend tube amp, a couple of guitars and some other equipment to get into this new rig and I need to get something to complete the setup (I literally have no amp and no outboard gear right now, I'm practicing through plugins on my Mac). For the money this looks like the best thing out there. However if sanity and frugality return I could end up with a Zoom G3X or I might just drag my laptop to gigs.

11. I guess PM me here or email me, my gmail address is tonyp145.

Edited by Tony Serzo (02/28/14 12:56 PM)