1.whats your name? - Scott McCray

2.where do you live? - I live in Charlotte, NC; work in Sylva, NC so I stay there two weeks at a time and I have a homestead in Virginia (moving there as soon as logistics allow).

3.what kinda music you into, and or play? - Yes. (bluegrass to metal, country to pop, classic rock to blues)

4.You in a band or just jamming with friends? - mainly just recording and noodling around - jams with family and friends, no band for many years.

5.Whats your most wanted gear [that you don't have yet]? - a dedicated studio / jam room (planned for the new house).

6 What is your oldest piece of gear? 1972 D-28

7.What is your most used or favorite guitar you have? - home-built Tele (all of 'em, really)

8.Recording gear and or software? Dell XPS, Reaper, PT 10/11, Komplete Audio 6, multitude of plugins, MXL mics

9.Other gear worth a mention? All of Dad's luthier tools, plus mine...CNC router on the horizon...

10.the day you got it home what was your first impression of the 11 rack and what do you think now? Dayummmmmm. Double Dayummmmm.

11.Whats the best way to get in contact with you? Site pm/email

Great community her - thanks for havin' me!

GAS - it's not just after dinner, anymore...

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.

Frank Zappa