Not really fair IMO to compare the 11r with a AxeFX unit.
The 11r has some good amp models and your basic effects...The AxeII has all that and more with all kinds of bells and whistles.
If you think it sounds $1,500 better, then you should buy one. Whether or not the amp models actually sounds better is an opinion(not a fact). Its important that we seperate opinions from facts here. If you believe one sounds better than the other then you are right(if you believe it then who cares what anyone else thinks). I can remember back in the day when I saved up for 2 months to buy the Digitech GSP21 when it first came and all my musician friends thought it was the best guitar tone ever! Its only a matter of time before something bigger and badder comes out, and then you don't have what you consider the "best" anymore