Originally Posted By: singtall
no problem Str@man, i understand where you are coming from, and i wasn't upset with you. my problem is now with really one guy that went from being my best bud to my main problem.

i posted this before in another forum, but since it concerns the superpack and this guy wants everything to be a public pissing contest....here it goes:

the dead links are presets that are now part of my superpack. X-Mann, i'm sure you read Justin's email stating that it's ok for me to accept donations on the superpack and post on this site.

my well of presets is just starting to really crank up now in the last 30 days. i would appreciate it if you didn't hand over freely what i worked hard to make and others have donated to get. this forum has over 1000 free presets, 25% of them posted by me. i would think that i'm still valuable to this forum. if you are trying to run me off, you are doing a good job.

think about this man; if i stay and continue what i'm doing, everybody wins! i will still post free presets here, just not every preset that i make. if you whore out my hard work because you feel like everything in the world should be free, it's just not right. if you feel like everything should be shared, why not send me one of your guitars?

i have not asked any price for my superpack...it's donations only. if someone was so inclined, they could have sent me a penny, and i still would have sent them the pack. it's up to the person who donates to decide what my presets are worth to them. you are simply being a thief brother. in the end, you will rob everyone here if you continue your rants and under-the-table dealings.

this is my last attempt at being civil with you. i tried talking to you in private, but you wanted a public bloodbath. fine. stupid is as stupid does.

i will be doing some work this week that won't be hard on my back, so i won't be able to post for a little while. but when i come back, i'll decide where to go from here.

some of you might want to talk to some sense into X-Mann, or i'll just go if that's the consensus. either way, i'm done with the problems.

My 2 cents...
To try and do what you need to do to support your family...I don't think ANYONE would begrudge you of that. If you started your own website as a "pay" or "donate" for presets, then more power to you and I hope that it is successful for you. I think I said as much to you in the recent emails that you've had with people who donated to you, and I sincerely meant it!

But it is quite another thing to start personal attacks on X-mann because he disagrees with you. You say "this is my last attempt at being civil with you", but then you call him a "thief" and drop bombs on him like "stupid is as stupid does" or "some of you might want to talk to some sense into X-Mann" is not very "civil"...it's low class Bullsh!t....as was blasting a brand new member here for uploading a preset that he tweaked from one of your original presets...as if he needed to be straightened out??? IMO, giving you credit for it would have been common courtesy on his part, but certainly not a prerequisite!

If there is ANYONE on this site that has proudly carried the torch promoting "All Things 11R" here, it is X-mann! And I think that he is all about promoting this site and maintaining the integrity of these forums. We all may not always agree as apparently you both haven't in this instance, but there is no need to make it personal like you have.

And while I'm sure that everyone here appreciates everything that you have contributed to these forums (myself included), and I'm sure that is evident in the amount of people who up and donated to help you out...your attitude in this is kinda starting to come off as a bit egotistical and portraying an air of entitlement here, as if these are YOUR forums and its all about YOU! Especially when you say stuff like..."if i stay and continue what i'm doing, everybody wins" or "in the end, you will rob everyone here if you continue your rants and under-the-table dealings". You have done some awesome work with your presets here...no doubt, but so have a ton of other members...NO DOUBT! You would be better served to leave the ego at the door, so to speak!

Free presets are part of what this site is all about, and I believe that X-mann was in part defending that! And I for one would like to see us all get past this and continue on with what has always brought us back here again and again in the first place!

If you want to sell presets then that's ok in my book, because people can CHOSE if they want to buy them from you or not. But I do think that a separate site to elicit "Sales" or "Donations" for presets is more appropriate than doing it here, keeping the spirit of free sharing here alive.

I'm not trying to start anything with you bro, but this feels like it's getting ugly and out of hand, and I'd hate to see that happen!

Originally Posted By: Justin
Guys here's my view. We're all friends here. Let's live and let live without any personal attacks eh? Life's too short my brothers!

Well said sir...well said!
Peace to all here!


Edited by mikefont (01/05/13 05:24 PM)
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