Ok.....So I was very lucky to get a very special bonus (because I begged for it too) gift from "River Of Thorns" guitarist Corey James........I have some of the exact Rigs used to record his new album.......& all I can say is that they are ALL just STELLAR......... eek

Amp: "Soldano SL100 Drive"

Rig Name: "I Know Soldano"

Rig Sound Clip Song Name: "Only I Know" by X-Mann

Creator: Corey James (Teacher & RoT Guitarist)

Note: I did try to write in a RoT song style & while I'm not sure if I accomplished that......It is a lot different then how I usually approach writing a tune/Riff........& this shows the Soldano amp off in a cool way.......oh & "Thanks" Corey for my 1st new Riff of 2013 son....... cool

Peace! X-Mann

PS - I found some other great Rigs in the download section too......So more sound sample are in the works & Thanks for those Rig submissions too...... grin

PSS - Thanks for the encouraging words guys & just know that I appreciate it.......

PSSS-I hope that this is another great year for all of us here on the 11R forum to write, record, play & share our Eleven Rack experiences (& dog pics) with each other.......Happy 2013 boys!!!!! grin

Edited by X-Mann (01/01/13 02:57 PM)
"You'll have X-TC when you watch X-TV"
..............Eleven Rack Video..................
..............Eleven Rack Audio..................