I have never owned any Line 6 except a verbzilla, which i thought was decent, but not anything extrodinary. I owned a 11R and currently own a Axe Fx. Personally, i'd be really surprised that this HD500 unit would challenge either one. Some units are better then others at certain things. I can see buying a POD HD400 just to have one @$399 and for a different animal. But comparing all of these items is not the answer. You guys know as well as I that these tools are only good as the user. Take me for example. I can't make anything sound good. If it wasn't for me using other people's presets from either Fractal or here, then my sounds wouldn't be anywhere near close to extrodinary.

Its guys like VSA that make a 11R sound killer. As well as on Fractal, there are guys that make killer presets, and some that make them like mine (like shit) so take these challenges 11R vs Axe vs HD500 with a grain of salt