That's hilarious!!!

Yes, I am familiar with Greg (GASP100). He flips more gear than Mickey D's flips burgers! He has been through the AxeFx multiple times, and I think he is on his second or third go around with the 11R. It seems like he is never quite happy with anything he tries for some reason. I don't know what kind of an issue he has that he has not been able to solve with any gear. I do wish him the best and I hope he finds tone nirvana someday.

Justin, thanks for the video. I saw that one discussed as well, and it appeared that quite a few people have issues with the quality of the AxeFx part of that clip. I listened to it, and while not my style of music (I would not know a good NuMetal guitar tone if it smacked me in the face!) I think the AxeFx tone was better.

My style of music is blues and blues-based rock (BB King, Clapton, MSG/UFO, Free, Van Halen, Def Leppard, Foreigner, AC/DC, Whitesnake, Y&T, Hendrix, Aerosmith, Badlands, Cinderella, Tesla, etc.). I care about how a tone cleans up after the volume knob is rolled down. I care about how tone changes the more I did in with my pick. I care about dynamics and the woody character of a guitar that comes through. So, in short, a Nu Metal or Thrash Metal type of demo does not help me. For some, I think that demo might be very worthwhile.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out after the honeymoon period wears off. I will be interested to check out more clips, and I hope some are done that hit my tone targets.

Thanks again Justin for sharing that video with us here.