Hi all!

ElevenHack, the Rig Manager software has been released!

For the moment it is very simple. Select a rig on the user bank on the device and load a TFX rig file to this location.

It is not a full Rig Editor for the moment, just a simple software to load TFX rigs. It should work on Linux, Mac and Windows.
It is a first version, it has been tested on 3 platforms but there are some requirements on the mac concerning the Java runtime and libs to install.

I dont claim this software is bullet proof, I will enhance it, It may crash or have bugs. If is it the case, I will do my best to fix them.

I would like to thank everyone on this forum, and everyone that uploaded those truely amazing rigs on elevenrackpresets. Now I can enjoy them, and it was my first motivation to write this app, it has been tough, but worth every minute I spent on hacking the file format and the USB protocol smile
As I promised, I release this for free.

I made a simple web site to publish the software, there are release notes and a small faq that I will enhance with you feedback.



Bzerk the Berzerk