It's what they call 'sarcasm' brother... smile The first ones were less than stellar and I just want to see if any newer ones are any better which if Satriani comes up with some, I for one sure want to see what he comes up with - that doesn't intrigue you in the least?

Nobody is suggesting it's complicated or that we can't come close - but just like how a Marshall Plexi only has a few knobs and a LOT less complicated than the 11R, people still want to know what settings Eric Johnson uses just like with Petrucci and his Boogies, and <insert guitar player here>...

While the 11R is not complicated, there are still a slew of combinations signal chain and settings wise that as subtle as they may seem make a huge difference and I may use a Treadplate amp to try and cop a tone and someone else may be able to get something similar using the Marshall so it's not always so cut and dry. We all hear and approach things differently and my rig on my guitar is not going to sound the same with yours which then you end up with two completely different presets which sound the same but not set up the same... So for ME it's intriguing to see HOW they went about it.

Make sense?

It's not a 3 month wait at Sweetwater NOW of course, this was when they first came out and NOBODY had any in stock practically. They also offer payment plans too which appeals to a lot of folks who don't have all the $$$ up front.