Sample (w/cam video):

Been playing around with this preset and changed to the +cap setting and tried the Behringer Vintage Overdrive with it (all 12 o'clock) and really love the combination of a green od and white boost sound. The way I have the "real OD" set is much like the Eleven Rack OD, so hoping they allow us to combine ODs in the future because it feels and plays nice.

Been thinking I might do more of these video shorts for samples as it's much faster to throw together than recording multiple takes (and you get a better idea if this will work live). I will probably have this sound dialed up without the need for the Behringer Overdrive because it's kinda noisy, but it's nice to just be able to kick on and off for different textures.

Sorry for all the flubups, kind of lost momentum with my boss keeping me running around waiting on him hehe (the 3 year old at the end, that's his way of asking for a refill lol).