Periphery III: Select Difficulty

Posted by: TLTD

Periphery III: Select Difficulty - 07/23/16 05:13 PM

My favorites are the less heavy, more melodic ones. They've done something I've not heard a band do before, save maybe Dream Theater. I feel like this is more of the "Good Movie" of albums right now. A little bit of everything, but the best moments are absolutely outstanding. Great production, songwriting, Spencer's vocals are better than ever. The lyrics are in my opinion, so much better than before. They seemed a bit angsty before, or whiny even. This is more mature, full of heart, and depth.

That's the way I hear it. Something I noticed about the best songs, they aren't abruptly over. They're still seven minutes long, even though some of them may be radio worthy.

Anyway, very cool album. My son and I both agree on this one.

A couple of (minor) spoilers: Some things make a comeback from IAmBulb's demos, but wow, they're so well done with the writing and polishing. I didn't recognize them, other than "That kinda sounds like something they did before."

What are your favorite songs? It's hands down for me the "slower" ones like Absolomb, Lune, and The Way The News Goes. I will have to get into the heavier ones when I'm more in the mood I think. I play these so much on repeat, though. I'm really getting some enjoyment out of how good just these three songs are!