External preamp & Monitoring thru digital in and out

Posted by: Boult

External preamp & Monitoring thru digital in and out - 04/22/16 12:54 PM


First of, thanx ahead fo your help !

I want to add an "SSL Alpha Channel" and a "Dangerous Music SOURCE" to my rig. I want to connect them digitally to my 11R. The SSL to the SPDIF Input and the Dangerous Music to the AES (or SPDIF) Output.

The goal is to completely bypass the 11R D/A - A/D converters...

Can the 11R do that ? Would it work ?

Would the 11R Record from the digital in AT THE SAME TIME (with no added latency) as it would monitor thru the digital out ?
Posted by: TLTD

Re: External preamp & Monitoring thru digital in and out - 04/24/16 05:27 PM

I'm not sure if you'll get the most of the SSL with just the Eleven Rack. Hardware inserts usually require something with more inputs and outputs. This is basically an MBox with a mic pre, an FX Loop, and amp simulation. You'd want to get a lot of inserts going on a lot of tracks. I've tried sending out prerecorded drum tracks to a compressor and they just don't work like a Digi 003 or something that is designed more like a mixer. The best thing about the SSL is the way it glues a lot of tracks together, but that would be later in the process if you were making music with the Eleven Rack. You'd be better off getting the Waves SSL 4000 plugins if all you have is Eleven Rack for the interface and you use sampled drums. The PSP E27 plugin is a really good one too. Their mixpack2 has some nice stuff in it.

What other gear are you using, anyway? What monitors, etc? Seems like a lot of stuff you'd want for a full blown studio if you already had a mixer and multiple sets of monitors and everything.